Synesthesia - When Senses Collide, Orange | Everi
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Synesthesia - When Senses Collide

A fascinating evening exploring the works created by photographer Tamara Dean and scentsmith Ainslie Walker during a 10-year collaboration.

Join us for a fascinating evening of captivating images and fragrances.

Photographer Tamara Dean and Scentsmith Ainslie Walker will discuss their ten year collaboration, where Walker's sensory elements veiled over Dean’s photographs and installations enrich viewers' experiences by tapping into forgotten memories of place.

Tamara Dean is a critically acclaimed photo-media artist working in photography, installation and moving image. Her practice explores the relationship between humans and the environment, and her work is held in notable collections including the National Gallery of Australia Collection, Parliament House Art Collection, Art Gallery of NSW, Art Gallery of South Australia and Artbank. Tamara is represented by Michael Reid Sydney + Berlin.

Ainslie Walker has claimed title of Scentsmith; designing and developing scents for both olfactory art and brands, fragrance journalism, hand made fragrances and candles, creating olfactory installations and artworks, developing fragrance strategy, teaching perfume-making workshops and consulting.

Refreshments will be provided.

All proceeds from the theatre talk will go towards acquisition of works for the Orange Regional Gallery Collection.



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